Below are examples of previous consultancies that have been undertaken by the Consulting Team to provide corporate governance services to a range of clients.
Review of the Building and Construction Industry Training Fund and Levy Collection Act 1990
Quantum Consulting Australia were engaged to review the BCITF and Levy Collection Act 1990, operated in Western Australia by the Construction Training Fund (CTF).
The Review aimed to assess the performance of the Board of the CTF in the delivery of training to the construction industry. The assessment included interviews with key stakeholders in the construction industry and customised questionnaires for the purpose of the Review. The aim of this consultation was to assess the structure of the Board, relationship of the Board with the industry, operation of the CTF, efficiency in collecting levy funds, and the ability of the Board to increase the number of skilled workers in the industry and improve the quality of training.
The Review was able to provide insight into the performance of the CTF and the challenges associated with achieving the desired outcomes of the Act.
The Report was tabled in Parliament in August 2014.
Assessment of Applicant Organisations to be Recognised as Training Councils by the State Training Board
Quantum Consulting was engaged by the Department of Education and Training to assess each Training Councils application for recognition as a Training Council by the State Training Board.
The assessment considered the capacity of the Board of Management to deliver Training Council outcomes together with assessing the organisations capability to deliver the requirements of Training Councils as specified by State Training Board criteria.
The assessment also identified issues that may impact on the applicant organisation’s ability to perform the required functions of a Training Council.
Review of the Corporate Governance framework for a State Authority
As part of a review of a State Authority’s Corporate Governance framework, it was recommended that a self-assessment/appraisal of the Governing Body’s performance on an annual basis. In this regard, Quantum Consulting was engaged to conduct the appraisal with the collective Members of the Governing Body. This included the development of a self-assessment framework for each member of the Governing Body, subsequent analysis and discussion of the key themes from the assessment and the development of an Action Plan and associated recommendations.
Consultancy Services to the Board of the Keystart Group of Companies
The Keystart Group of Companies are wholly owned by the West Australian Government. The mission of Keystart is to enable community members to access affordable housing solutions. This is achieved pursuant to a low deposit and low interest rate home loan to those individuals who are unable to access housing finance from the banking sector.
Over the past 18 months, Quantum Consulting has provided consultancy services to the Keystart Board and has a thorough understanding of models and initiatives that can assist individuals to access affordable housing and who are unable to access mainstream housing acquisition.
Development of corporate governance framework and policies for an Indigenous Housing Organisation
Quantum Consulting assisted an Indigenous Community Housing Organisation (ICHO) in the development of a corporate governance framework and the associated policies and procedures.
Quantum Consulting assisted the ICHO in gaining a clear understanding of the governing committee and 'buy in' on what was to be achieved and who was to be responsible for delivery. The development of operating policies and procedures enabled the client to conduct its business affairs in an appropriate governance and accountability framework.
Review of the operation of the Australian Jobs Act 2013
QCA was appointed to undertake an operational review of the Australian Jobs Act 2013 (the Act).
The Review assessed the implementation of the Act by examining the transparency of processes in place to ensure that major project proponents and operators meet their obligations under the Act.
The Review considered the:
- impact on regulated entities of complying with the Act’s administrative and reporting obligations;
- effectiveness of AIP plans in enhancing major project proponent and operator engagement with, and outcomes for, Australian suppliers and understanding of their capability to supply;
- determination of trigger events and dates for major projects and the timing for submission of AIP notification forms and draft AIP plans;
- development, approval and implementation of AIP plans under the Act and subsequent compliance reporting by proponents and operators;
- effectiveness of compliance monitoring, enforcement and sanctions available under the Act;
- procedures for gaining an exception from the AIP plan requirements of the Act through use of a compliant state or territory industry participation plan; and
- availability and effectiveness of the AIP Authority information and resources to assist proponents and operators to meet their obligations under the Act.
Marine Safety Recreational Vessel Safety Equipment Review
This Review examined the existing safety equipment requirements for recreational vessels, assess new technologies and ways of managing safety, and to modify the Regulations so that safety equipment requirements cater to contemporary vessel types and employ the latest standards where appropriate.
The Review comprised the following stages:
QCA undertake community consultation (n= 1,612 responses)
- Stage One sought comment on the approach to safety equipment and the management of marine risks. The output of this stage was the development of a detailed Position Paper.
- Stage Two sought comment on details of how and what safety equipment should be specified in legislation. (QCA obtained n= 1,612 responses)
- Stage Three involved the preparation of a Final Position Paper based on the findings of Stages 1 and 2.
Review of Implementation of a Service Agreement
QCA conducted a process evaluation of an initiative funded by the Department of Health which focussed on Western Australia’s response to BBV’s and STI’s within CaLD communities.
The two key areas of the evaluation comprised:
- Assessment of achievement of the stated ‘Service Level Outcomes’ in relation to ‘Project Activities’ and ‘Indicators/Measures’ outlined within the Service Agreement
- Assessment of the extent to which ‘Project Activities’ have been provided in-line with the terms and conditions of contract with DOH.