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Needs Analysis and Feasibility Studies

Needs Analysis and Feasibility Studies

Below are examples of needs analysis and feasibility study consultancies that have been previously undertaken by Quantum Consulting Australia.

Needs Analysis and Feasibility Studies:

Analysis of the Austrade Market Information Package pricing structure and level

Quantum Consulting Australia were engaged to undertake a review to analyse the existing Market Information Package (MIP) produced by Austrade for the international education sector. The project assessed the pricing structure and level of pricing.

Key stakeholders, including MIP subscribers, were consulted using an online questionnaire and follow-up telephone interviews to establish relevant feedback regarding the perceived value of the MIP and the willingness of subscribers to pay at selected pricing intervals.

Based on research of the market and the data collected through consultation, the Project Team produced a report that reflected the appropriate enhancements necessary to improve the existing model and its take up. Further meetings were held with Austrade to discuss implementation strategies that would minimise potential adverse effects of price structure changes.

Gascoyne Aboriginal Cultural and Recreational Needs Study

Quantum Consulting Australia were engaged to conduct a study of the cultural and recreational needs of Aboriginal people in the Gascoyne. The purpose of the study was to develop recommendations to address identified regional planning priorities as they related to Aboriginal culture and recreation in the Gascoyne Region.

The Project Team conducted extensive one-on-one and group-based consultation in regional and remote parts of the Gascoyne, including a number of Aboriginal communities. This process provided a stocktake of the natural and man-made facilities, infrastructure and services relating to Aboriginal culture and recreation.

Recommendations provided are to be utilised in further discussion and planning by local government agencies within the Gascoyne.

Review of the Management and Operations of Lords Recreation Centre

Quantum Consulting Australia were engaged to review the management and operation of the Lords Recreation Centre, which included consideration of refurbishment works to be completed, financial performance, possibilities for additional revenue streams, options for the future of Lords and public consultation.

The purpose of the project was to review Lords operations and to make an assessment whether it is in the best interests of the City of Subiaco and community to remain as a recreation service delivered by the City on an ongoing basis, whether Lords should be leased out for similar usage, or whether Lords should close and the site be redeveloped.

A significant level of consultation, combined with an analysis of the financial and economic impact of each option provided the necessary information for the basis of our recommendations. Further possible improvements to the operations of Lords were also included.

Business Case associated with the relocation of two State sporting associations

DSR engaged Quantum Consulting Australia to prepare a Business Case, associated with the relocation of two state sporting associations.

The purpose of the Business Case’s was to determine:

  • The feasibility of relocating the Association.
  • The potential for the Association relocating to one of the shortlisted sites.
  • The cost and scope of constructing a new facility on the preferred site.
  • The management and maintenance capacity of the Association at the proposed new facility.

  • The project consisted of three stages:

    Stage 1 – Site Review

  • Determined requirements necessary for a facility to meet National standards for competition.
  • Investigated the potential options of relocation to an alternative developed site and;
  • Determined the most appropriate outcome through a review of all documentation and consultation with various stakeholder groups.

  • Stage 2 – Relocation

  • Assessed existing infrastructure at current location, to identify whether there was a capacity to utilise any of those assets at any future site.
  • Identified any use of Department of Defence infrastructure that will not be available for relocation, which will subsequently need to be constructed at any future site.
  • Assessed the cost and scope of constructing suitable facilities on the recommended site that will meet, at a minimum, National Standards.
  • Ensured that any relocated facility meets the requirements to host National standard competition.
  • Reviewed appropriate management models for the leased area.
  • Prepared a preliminary design of the facility and associated range.

  • Stage 3 – Business Case and Concept

  • The outcome was a development of a Business Case that included a design and costing for the new facility using the identified value of the relocation as a baseline.

  • Feasibility Study for the Short Term Accommodation of VET students

    The Department of Education and Training (DET) commissioned a feasibility study of access to and the appropriateness of establishing short term accommodation facilities, particularly for those students undertaking block release training.

    Feasibility Study for the Formation of a Regional Council to Deliver Remote Area Municipal Services

    The purpose of this feasibility study was to evaluate the merits of a Regional Local Government approach to improve delivery of municipal services to Indigenous communities. As a part of the study community visits were undertaken to seek information (associated with municipal services).

    The study into the feasibility of a regional local government in the Kimberley region (for the delivery of typical local government services to Indigenous communities) had a particular focus in defining the:

  • existing municipal service delivery, and the municipal service delivery required in each community
  • service delivery standards for each community
  • costings for delivering the services to each community
  • resource requirements to effectively deliver the services through a regional local government service delivery model
  • risks associated with the regional local government service delivery model.

  • Scoping Exercise and Feasibility Study to Assess the Need for a Residential Alcohol and Drug Facility

    Quantum Consulting on behalf of the Drug and Alcohol Office (WA) undertook a scoping exercise and feasibility study to assess the need for a residential alcohol and drug facility in Carnarvon. The project included the following requirements:

  • Undertaking a scoping exercise and feasibility study to assess the need for a residential facility for the benefit of the people in Carnarvon, particularly the Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander community, who experience alcohol and drug problems.
  • Assessing the relevant service delivery model options and recommending a preferred model including an examination of the advantages and disadvantages of each model and the benefits of the recommended model.
  • Assessing site/locations options and make recommendations as to a preferred site including an examination of the advantages and disadvantages of each site/location and the benefits of the recommended site.

  • Business Analysis of an Australian Technical College

    Quantum Consulting was engaged by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations to assist the Department in making a judgement about the financial viability of the GTO operations in the proposed future operating models for an Australian Technical College. The analysis included identifying:

  • The financial viability of the model, and identifying any other GTO costs that may have been overlooked.
  • The reasonability of the GTO cost estimates. Including the comparability of staffing allocations, resourcing, and revenue predictions with other competitors in the GTO market.
  • An assessment of the impact through staff occupying dual roles across the school and GTO operations.
  • Other generic cost assumptions to be used as benchmarks for determining an effective level of operations for the GTO.
  • An assessment of the adequacy of estimated apprentice numbers.
  • Identification of ‘hot spots’ in the calculations relating to GTO expenditure and revenue and any restrictions that may impact the GTO in the current managed market.
  • The reasonability of cost structures associated to the GTO due to its multiple functions.
  • Likelihood of success of the proposed models.

  • Financial Due Diligence Reviews

    Quantum Consulting Australia was engaged by the Department of Housing and Works Consulting (as part of the approved consultants’ panel) to perform financial diligence reviews of medium-sized organisations tendering for the department's building contracts.