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Strategic Planning and Performance Management

Strategic Planning and Performance Management

Below are examples of strategic planning and performance management consultancies that have been previously undertaken by Quantum Consulting Australia.

Strategic Planning and Performance Management

Review of the operation of the Australian Jobs Act 2013

QCA was appointed to undertake an operational review of the Australian Jobs Act 2013 (the Act)

The Act established the Australian Industry Participation (AIP) Authority to implement the Act. Section 127 of the Act required that an operational review of the Act be conducted within 5 years of its commencement.

The Review assessed the implementation of the Act by examining the transparency of processes in place to ensure that major project proponents and operators meet their obligations under the Act. The Review considered the transparency of processes in place, the impact on regulated entities of complying with the Act’s administrative and reporting obligations, the effectiveness of Australian Industry Participation plans and the associated AIP exemption processes.

The outcome of the Review was a Report prepared and tabled in both Houses of the Parliament by the relevant Minister

A published copy of the report can be accessed at https://www.industry.gov.au/data-and-publications/review-of-the-implementation-of-the-australian-jobs-act-2013-report

Review of the Community Patrols in Western Australia

Quantum Consulting Australia were engaged to undertake a review of the Community Patrols in Western Australia. This review aimed to assess the effectiveness, efficiency and appropriateness of the Patrols in achieving the outcomes sought by State Government and provide advice on options for procuring and managing Patrol services and for evaluating proposals for new Patrol services and provide an assessment of the value for money obtained from the State Government’s current investments in Patrols.

In conducting the Review, client consultation was undertaken in Kalgoorlie, Perth, Broome and Roebourne with relevant Patrol Service Providers in order to develop an understanding of the challenges faced and strategic focus within different regions.

A process of evaluation and assessment was undertaken by developing the Patrols Assessment Framework, which was based on assessing the following key aspects of each Patrol:

  • Service Provision
  • Governance and Human Resources
  • Infrastructure
  • Capacity Building
  • Each Patrol Service Provider was assessed and a rating was applied under each of the abovementioned categories, identifying areas for enhancement at the Patrol Service Provider level and at the program level.

    Performance Appraisals on Economic Regulation Authority's Governing Body

    Quantum Consulting was engaged to conduct an appraisal with the collective Members of the Governing Body on the Authority’s performance.

    The scope of the Project consisted of the following key components:

  • Produce and distribute a questionnaire to each member of the Governing Body
  • Collation and analysis of questionnaire responses
  • Conduct face-to-face interviews with each Member
  • Assess and identify key themes from face-to-face meetings
  • Facilitate meeting with the Governing Body
  • Prepare Action Plan and recommendations
  • Development of a Business and Strategic Plan for an Economic Regulation Authority

    Quantum Consulting Australia conducted a strategic planning exercise comprising of a focus session with the staff of the Authority followed by an all day planning session with both the Authority Secretariat and Governing Body of the Authority. The deliverables were a Strategic Plan for the newly established Authority and a more detailed Business Plan. The business plan and strategic plan has assisted the Authority to reform its organisational structure to better align it with corporate objectives.

    Consultancy to Develop a Performance Assessment Framework for the Training Councils

    As a result of conducting the Review of Industry Training Advisory Arrangements in Western Australia, Quantum Consulting was engaged by the Department of Education and Training to develop a performance assessment framework for the newly formed Training Councils associated with the industry advisory arrangements. The key components of this consultancy are summarised as follows:

    Key Performance Indicators

    A framework was developed to assess/measure performance and facilitate the Training Councils ability to achieve their intended objectives. A combination of output and outcome measures was developed. The resultant performance indicators comprised of a suite of qualitative and quantitative indicators.

    Business Plan

    An initial business plan template was developed that was cognisant of the commencement phase applicable to the newly established Training Councils. The business plan recognised the organisational development aspects required for the newly established Training Councils and the linkage of the Plan to the performance assessment framework (including the KPIs developed as a result of this consultancy).

    Business Plan/Feasibility Review for South West Local Governments

    Simon Hood undertook a feasibility review of establishing a Regional Council for a group of neighbouring Shires in WA.

    The consultancy required a review of good practice models interstate and in selected overseas countries, as well as extensive public consultation to ascertain the level of support for the proposed reform.

    Various governance and operational models were developed and the benefits and disadvantages of each reform model was identified and presented to the Steering Committee for consideration.

    Business Plan/Feasibility Review for a Local Government

    Simon Hood completed a business plan of a regional airport in Western Australia. Sensitivity analysis was conducted to determine the relationship of airline industry movements and fluctuations in the number of regular transit passengers to the profitability of the Airport.

    Simon consulted with relevant stakeholders and reviewed the operational position of the Airport. As part of the engagement, Simon prepared an operational plan which included an examination of alternative sources of revenue, and developed strategies to mitigate identified weaknesses and realise future opportunities.

    Simon prepared detailed financial forecasts and made recommendations based on these forecasts regarding strategies for future growth and the feasibility of major capital works in the following five year period.

    Indigenous Sport and Recreation Plan - Stage Two

    The Department of Sport and Recreation (DSR) engaged Quantum Consulting Australia (and consultants from Nyaarla Projects Pty Ltd) to undertake a consultancy to inform DSR about the current status of sport and recreation provision in the selected regions of the North West of Western Australia and to obtain information and data on future needs.

    The Project entailed consultations with a cross section of stakeholders involved in Indigenous sport and recreation, analysis of data, and community profiles or “snapshots”. Site visits were conducted in the following rural and remote regions in Western Australia including the Tjurabalan, COAG East Kimberley Trial Site, the Kullari region and the Western Desert region.

    Consultations occurred with community organisations, government agencies, schools, service providers and other stakeholders associated with Indigenous sport and recreation. The key objectives of the visits were to identify what sport and recreation activities occur in each community, what infrastructure exists and the condition of the infrastructure, future plans and unmet needs.

    Indigenous Sport and Recreation Plan - Stage Three

    Quantum Consulting completed Stage Two of the three part initiative. The objective of Stage Three was to conduct further analysis on existing data and information on community planning and community funding with a particular focus on sport and recreation and the development of an Indigenous Sport and Recreation Plan.

    The project entailed consultations with a cross section of stakeholders involved in Indigenous sport and recreation, analysis of data, and the development of a plan. Consultations occurred with community organisations, government agencies, schools, service providers and other stakeholders associated with Indigenous sport and recreation. The key objective of the visits was to present the Plan and negotiate buy-in.

    Business Plan for a State Sporting Association

    Quantum Consulting prepared a Business Plan identifying strategic initiatives and actions for a racing association in Western Australia. The framework within which the Plan was developed was cognisant of key issues/events that are likely to impact on the Association over a three year period.

    Assessment of Indigenous Housing Organisations pursuant to the Housing Management Standards Framework (HMSF)

    Following the Rolling Reviews of Indigenous community housing organisations, Quantum Consulting was appointed to report on the progress made in implementing the action plans from the previous rolling reviews and identify any constraints or modifications that needed to be made to assist the IHO to implement the action plans. Quantum Consulting assessed the IHO’s capabilities compared with the HMSF Standards and made recommendations on any further opportunities to improve the organisation’s housing capabilities.

    Review of the Commercial / Management Operations of a State Sporting Facility

    Quantum Consulting Australia was commissioned by the Department of Sport and Recreation (DSR) to undertake a review of a state sporting facility’s core operations and commercial management practices.

    The Review provided recommendations on strategies to be undertaken to improve the operations, including improving the governance structure and the development of a strategic plan and key objectives to be met by the facility. This enabled the Board to monitor performance of the agreed objectives.

    Review a State Sporting Association’s Core Operations and the Commercial Management of a State Facility

    Quantum Consulting Australia was commissioned by the Department of Sport and Recreation to undertake a review of a state sporting association’s core operations and commercial management practices.

    The Review provided recommendations on strategies to be undertaken to improve the association’s operations. This included alternative facility management models for the state sport facility and the advantages and challenges associated with each of the alternative models identified.

    Review of the closure, assessment and relocation of Franciscan House

    QCA was appointed by the Mental Health Commission (MHC) to undertake a review of the closure, assessment and relocation process applicable to Franciscan House.

    The findings of the Review informed the potential for future closure and divestment of facilities. The Review consisted of three components comprising: Policy review, Process review and an Outcomes review (including psychosocial outcomes and clinical outcome data review)

    Evaluation of the Aboriginal Community Patrols

    This Evaluation was conducted pursuant to a State Government’s Sunset Clause requirements. In this respect the focus of the Evaluation was to identify evidence of program effectiveness, appropriateness and efficiency together with identifying areas for program improvement.

    The key evaluation questions addressed are as follows:


    • To what extent have the patrols contributed to reducing the level of police intervention
    • To what extent do the patrols reduce alcohol related harm in the community
    • What would be the impact on stakeholders and the community if the program ceased


    • To what extent have patrols implemented outcomes based and performance management reporting


    • To what extent is the patrol program delivering flexible and culturally appropriate services that effectively meets the identified community needs


    • To what extent do the patrols deliver a cost benefit to government


    • How could the patrol program be improved?
      • Program/service delivery model (local level)
      • Program/service delivery model (State level)
    • How could the effectiveness, appropriateness and efficiency of the program be measured and evaluated in the future
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